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Drive In Event

Writer: Avishay Greenfield CaspiAvishay Greenfield Caspi

Updated: Apr 14, 2022

During the 1950s, the DRIVE IN reached the height of its popularity in the United States, especially in areas outside of the big cities. Films were projected on a giant screen, those watching them could buy popcorn and beer and the relative privacy that watching the giant screen from a car offered made other experiences in the back seat possible as well. The DRIVE-IN is performing a comeback these days – due to the Corona and in the light of the harsh demands of social distancing.

In an event that we produced for the management of Strauss Water, in a parking lot in the Kfar Maccabiah hospitality and sports compound, 30 managers from the organization arrived at the parking area in their own cars. For the managers who had not met in person for three months, due to the strict health regulations in the company, this was a special opportunity to meet – even if it had to be at a distance.

Drive In event - Cars parked in front of the stage and projection screen - participants experience the event seating in their cars.

At the entrance to the parking lot, each participant received a tray of refreshments, a soft drink, wireless earphones, and an Alcogel cloth for disinfection. The cars were arranged in rows facing a large LED screen which was displayed very high up so that everyone – even the cars that were far away from the screen – could see the full picture.

The sound reached the participants through the earphones. The speakers were shown on the big screen for the comfort of the audience. Instead of applause, the speakers were rewarded with the honking of car horns and flashing headlights. Participants who wanted to ask questions were filmed by a video photographer so that everyone could see them on the big screen.

The key note speaker at the event, Scott Berkun from Seattle, spoke using a digital platform about the secrets to success in working from home, based on his best seller "The Year Without Pants" . The significant advantage of the space that was chosen was the ability to connect to electricity and communication infrastructures, as well as the proximity of rest rooms – something that is hard to find in most parking lots.

The experience of a meeting between people, despite the social distancing, was exhilarating, as was the possibility to create a live dialogue through the camera and the screen.


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